We’re kabyn

Make your work flow

We created Kabyn because we couldn’t see any other solutions that solved the problems of software creation in the way we knew they should be solved.

Experience in the industry had shown us that many solutions were compromised and didn’t meet the needs of users.

Or that solutions were overly complex, with many redundant features that simply weren’t cost effective.

So, we decided to build it ourselves.

Strike out independently and go off grid, if you like.

(Hence the name Kabyn.)

Most importantly, we want anyone to be able to use Kabyn.

Whether a seasoned coder, IT professional, an entrepreneur starting out or a manager looking to modernise your department, Kabyn works for you.

Our AI-led templating approach opens up possibilities for those new to software, helping them get to powerful, workable solutions quickly.

Alternatively you can start with a blank sheet of paper and create exactly what’s right for you.

What will you build?